Horse training

We train our own horses as well as horses for others in our new stable that houses 30 horses. We take on horses for basic and advanced training. Advanced training is planned together with the owner of each horse. We train horses specifically for breeding shows or for sport competitions and for the great role of being a riding horse for their owners. In Hrísdalur we have a 10X20 m riding hall, a treadmill for the horses and a 250 M oval track.
The formal training starts at the age of 3 when all the young horses are made rideable, mostly inside the riding hall during the fall
Training starts when the foals are taken inside for housing at the age of 6 months. Usually they are housed until June. During the winter they learn to yield to the rein and learn to go in and out of the box under control. In the spring they go out to pasture again and are only taken in for worming and hoof handling until they are 3 years old. The formal training starts at the age of 3 when all the young horses are made rideable, mostly inside the riding hall during the fall. Those who are suitable for advanced training after that get a break for some weeks, while the geldings go out again and continue to graze for another year.
The trainers
Siguroddur is from Reykjavík. He is born in 1969 and has trained horses professionally since 1990 in the Reykjavík area, Denmark, Sweden, Biskupstungur in South Iceland and in Hrísdalur from 2006. He is a member of FT (the Icelandic Trainers Association) and the Farriers Association. Siguroddur has been active in competition on horses from a young age, as well as showing breeding horses.
Ásdís is born in 1967 in Hraunholt in Snæfellsnes. She was an elementary school teacher in Reykjavík and in Biskupstungur in South Iceland from 1999 until 2006, as well as working with horses. She has been a full time horse trainer and farrier in Hrísdalur from 2006. Ásdís is the chairman of Snæfellingur riding club in Snæfellsnes.